The Baltibugle Presents:                                                                                    25th April 2014

The Joy of Six

(Six do Macclesfield)


The adventure started with a rendezvous at Macclesfield Station, where there were supposed to be 10 of us but Seaweed, Pedro, Bolt and Nigel cried off due to ailments, being down south and other glib excuses! Anyway in the end there were 6 of us: Yup, Grandpop Bill, Jacko, Jaycee, Corkster and the late arrival Ali G.


NOTE: The author of the report forgot his camera so only phone footage of our acts is available (probably on You Tube by now!). I have trawled the internet though for relevant photos!

PS Few extra added by Yuppers


First port of call was the nearest pub (The Treacle Tap) to get out of the rain and also because peg leg Jaycee was struggling to walk



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The Treacle Tap

Where we enjoyed a couple of pints of Marble Breweries Spring Ale 4.6% - very nice start to the day out. After the first pint Jaycee announced that he had a semi and then told us the story of a young blonde doctor who had had hands down his pants recently whilst looking at his backside!






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Jaycee then told us there was a man waving at him from the shop across the road oh how we laughed when it was pointed out that it was a cobblers dummy (or was that us – dummies that is?).








Stomachs rumbling our thoughts turned to food and where better than the Society Rooms the local Wetherspoons. CAMRA beer tokens at the ready!


The Society Room

JayceeÕs semi was still raging and he declared that he was buying the next round as he was only semi Thursday and Friday and worked Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday for relief from his semi.

5 Fish and chips (Friday special) and one burger and chips later all washed down with a couple of pints of real ale (Titanic I think – I forgot to make a note). We were ready to move on. Although Yup did recommend a guest house in Blackpool called Tool Station which was run by a couple of nice men which was the cleanest guest house he had ever stayed in!



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Somehow from the hotel name Jacko came up with the joke of the day.

ÒA lunatic escapes from the madhouse and takes refuge in a laundrette where he rapes the female attendant and then runs off before the police arrive. The following day the headlines in the newspaper was nut screws washers and boltsÓ









Next stop was The Red Willow where yet again Jaycee flashed his wad and bought the round again. Oakhams JSB for 5 and Smokeless porter for the author. IÕve made a note about Ali G being de-bagged in Prague but by now the notes are getting hard to decipher





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Onwards and upwards we ÒstaggeredÓ off to the Snow Goose (delayed for a few seconds whilst Ali G considered joining Ladyzone), where we sampled the excellent Storm Brewery Bosley Cloud.


The Snow Goose


Description: Macintosh HD:Users:Dave:Desktop:Squarry doos:Macc:Macc 2014:20140425_165408.jpgFree nibbles were available at the bar where the nut brittle went down well. Those of us who managed a 2nd pint (Grandpop Bill and me) also had the 2nd lot of nibbles (olives, pickles and gerkins).  The proposed brewery trip was cancelled due to lack of numbers, interest (from the brewery) and our intoxication!


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Next stop (as we meandered our way to the Shalimar Indian Restaurant) was the Water Green Tavern. Only notes here are that we had 6 pints St Georges Ale.














From here we went to a pub not on the original list.  The Castle Inn a traditional pub with an amazing interior.


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6 pints of Titanic were supped here before we headed off (in the rain) to the Shalimar

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The Shalimar Indian

By now only 2 of us could manage Cobra the other 4 went on water (Honestly),


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A couple of popadoms each with dips and a main course with rice and naan came to £18.50 per head. The food was very nice – although I didnÕt make notes on what was ordered (by now my writing has become scrawl!)



All in all it was a good day out with an awful lot of good ales supped. Everyone eventually got home as well.



Notes (and the lack of them towards the end of the day) taken by your one and only Corky.


Well done Graham !!!